AHC Course Packages


  • All
  • Advanced Diploma
  • Certificate I
  • Certificate II
  • Certificate III
  • Certificate IV
  • Diploma
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Graduate Diploma
  • Skill Set

Certificate III in Sports Turf Management

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Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem Management

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Certificate III in Indigenous Land Management

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Certificate III in Beekeeping

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Certificate III in Commercial Seed Processing

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Certificate III in Commercial Composting

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Certificate III in Irrigation Technology

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Certificate III in Aboriginal Sites Work

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Certificate III in Rural Merchandising

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Certificate III in Rural Operations

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Certificate III in Shearing

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Certificate III in Wool Clip Preparation

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Certificate III in Advanced Wool Handling

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Certificate III in Feedlot Operations

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Certificate III in Seed Production

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Certificate III in Seed Testing

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Certificate III in Protected Horticulture

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Certificate III in Permaculture

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Certificate IV in Agriculture

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Certificate IV in Protected Horticulture

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Certificate IV in Production Horticulture

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Certificate IV in Horticulture

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Certificate IV in Parks and Gardens

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Certificate IV in Nursery Operations

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Certificate IV in Conservation and Ecosystem Management

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Certificate IV in Agribusiness

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Certificate IV in Irrigation Management

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Certificate IV in Wool Classing

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Certificate IV in Seed Production

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Certificate IV in Seed Testing

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Review the courses available to enhance your skills to further your career choices.