Certificate IV in Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care

Package Code: CHC

Package Name:
Community Services

Qualification Level: Certificate IV

Qualification Code: CHC42315

Qualification Title:
Certificate IV in Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care

Qualification Description

This qualification reflects the role of chaplains and/or pastoral and spiritual care workers who provide ongoing ethical, moral and spiritual support to clients using a person-centred approach. Workers operate within the guidelines and practices of their organisation and within the professional and ethical standards of their relevant association. The development of self-awareness and identity underpin effective work in pastoral and spiritual care and are developed over time, through professionally supervised practice and mentoring. Work may take place in a range of contexts, including schools, community outreach and local churches in a paid or volunteer capacity. Work in these roles may also require commissioning from a recognised religious institution. To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have completed at least 100 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of units of competency. National school chaplaincy regulations or legislation may apply to this qualification.

Entry Requirement

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

Package Rules