Entry Into Care Roles Skill Set

Package Code: CHC

Package Name:
Community Services

Qualification Level: Skill Set

Qualification Code: CHCSS00114

Qualification Title:
Entry into Care Roles Skill Set

Qualification Description

This skill set addresses the skills and knowledge required to provide entry level support for basic client care for a range of roles and purposes required within the aged care and disability support sectors. The support provided in client care will be predominantly non-direct, with some basic direct client care, in order to maintain the safety of both the learner and client in care.

Entry Requirement

This skill set responds to an industry need as a result of COVID-19 and is time limited to the pandemic and recovery phase. This skill set is valid until 30 June 2021, with a mid-point review in December 2020. It may be extended by quarterly intervals if required, to align with the course of the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery phase. There are modified assessment arrangements for units of competency in this skill set.

Package Rules

Review the courses available to enhance your skills to further your career choices.