Food Safety Auditor Skill Set

Package Code: FBP

Package Name:
Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical 

Qualification Level: Skill Set

Qualification Code: FBPSS00004

Qualification Title:
Food Safety Auditor Skill Set

Qualification Description

This skill set is designed to cover the knowledge and skills required of an entry level food safety auditor who conducts low risk safety audits (as outlined in the National Regulatory Food Safety Auditor Guideline and Policy) in food preparation or food processing sites.

Entry Requirement

This Skill Set supports relevant legislation, including food standards included in the Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code and industry codes of practice relating to validation and verification of a food safety program and the audit requirements detailed in the National Regulatory Food Safety Auditor Guideline and Policy, and should be read in conjunction with these documents. Regulatory food safety audits in Australia are covered by state/territory legislative frameworks that support the requirements of the National Food Safety Audit Policy 2009.

Package Rules

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