HLT Course Packages


  • All
  • Advanced Diploma
  • Certificate I
  • Certificate II
  • Certificate III
  • Certificate IV
  • Diploma
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Graduate Diploma
  • Skill Set

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Family Health Skill Set

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Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Healthy Children Skill Set

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Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Maternal and Infant Care Skill Set

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Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Maternal and Infant Care Skill Set – Clinical

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Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Men’s Health Skill Set

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Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Sexual Health Skill Set

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Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Youth Health Skill Set

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Advanced Practice for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers Skill Set

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Allied Health Assistance – Community Rehabilitation Skill Set

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Allied Health Assistance – Nutrition and Dietetics Skill Set

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Allied Health Assistance – Occupational Therapy Skill Set

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Allied Health Assistance – Physiotherapy Skill Set

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Allied Health Assistance – Podiatry Skill Set

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Allied Health Assistance – Social Work Skill Set

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Allied Health Assistance – Speech Pathology Skill Set

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Aromatic Therapies Skill Set

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Audiometry Skill Set

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Chronic Condition Self-Management for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Clients

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Clinical Coding Auditor Skill Set

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Dental Radiography Skill Set

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Dental Radiography Skill Set

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Ear and Hearing Health Skills Set for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Prim

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Enrolled Nurse Renal Health Care Skill Set

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Food Safety Supervision Skill Set – for Community Services and Health Industries

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Indigenous Environmental Health Support Work

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Infection Control Skill Set

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Infection Control Skill Set (Food Handling)

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Infection Control Skill Set (Retail)

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Infection Control Skill Set (Transport and Logistics)

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Nutrition Support Skill Set for Aboriginal an/or Torres Strait Islander Communities

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Review the courses available to enhance your skills to further your career choices.