Certificate II in Process Plant Operations

Package Code: PMA

Package Name:
Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining

Qualification Level: Certificate II

Qualification Code: PMA20116

Qualification Title:
Certificate II in Process Plant Operations

Qualification Description

The PMA20116 Certificate II in Process Plant Operations is a technical qualification for operators in the hydrocarbons, petrochemical, chemical, metal/ore processing and related process manufacturing industry sectors. It is intended for competent operators who operate production equipment or undertake similar roles directly producing products. The operator would apply a breadth and depth of knowledge to a defined range of situations and would be expected to apply this knowledge to solve a defined range of problems by applying known solutions to a limited range of predictable problems. Other non-technical Certificate II qualifications are available for production support employees at this level, such as MSM20116 Certificate II in Process Manufacturing.

Entry Requirement

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

Package Rules