High Voltage Operation – H.V. switching programs

Package Code: UEP

Package Name:
Electricity Supply Industry - Generation Sector

Qualification Level: Skill Set

Qualification Code: UEPSS00007

Qualification Title:
High Voltage Operation - H.V. switching programs

Qualification Description

This Skill Set UEPSS00007 High Voltage Operation – H.V. switching programs provides the skills and knowledge required to operate H.V. switching programs within the Australian UEP Electricity Supply Industry – Generation Sector Training Package environment. It includes undertaking the operation of high voltage circuit breaking devices, and the performance of H.V. switching for a given switching program. It is essential that anyone undertaking this Skill Set must already hold a UEE33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting, or equivalent.

Entry Requirement

The skills and knowledge described in this Skill Set do not require a licence to practice in the workplace.

Package Rules